Poor baby girl…

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Audrey just can’t seem to catch a break. After our debacle last week thinking she had the stomach virus, and then deciding she just was allergic to avocado. (She puked all afternoon on Tuesday, wouldn’t drink anything for 8 hours and became super lethargic…), I decided to just breastfeed her – no more solids for a while. Then, she came down with a little cold this weekend, and is snotty and coughing. So today, when she seemed better, and was watching me intently eat my breakfast – I thought…hmmm…let’s let her have a little food today. We tried Pears. She didn’t like it. I mixed a little rice cereal in. She tolerated a few bites, but had very little interest so I decided to stop feeding her. Two hours later…we were in the same situation as last Tuesday. Poor kiddo was puking up everything until only bile was coming out. She calmed quicker this time, and fell asleep for a few hours, but still refused to nurse or drink Pedialyte until about 5pm. After she did – she was all smiles again. Even trying to crawl and such. She seemed more tired tonight than usual and fell asleep nursing (which we don’t normally do..) Now, I don’t know what to think!?!?! BUT – I do know that I do not plan on feeding that child anything but breastmilk for the next month. I don’t want to see her poor little lethargic sad pukey face again. I guess I definitely have some stuff to ask the doctor about at her 6 month appt.

Besides her health issues – she is doing great. She is a smiley baby, very even tempered. Trying SOOOOOOO hard to crawl, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets it in the next few weeks. She currently “crawls” backwards. She also does “Downward Dog” and then falls forward. It is pretty funny. If she can just figure out how to put one hand forward, she’ll have it…And then, I got to do some serious baby-proofing around this house!