Annual Pumkin Carving 09

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Last night we had all the neighbors over for our annual pumpkin carving. I made a bunch of cupcakes and as we got all the kids on a big sugar high, and they began the task of cleaning out the pumpkins and carving scary faces (the parents did their fair share as well 🙂 )We roasted up the pumpkins seeds, and posed for a few photos in the yard- I’d say it was our best pumpkin carve yet! Even better, afterwards, the mommies of Calle De Madera decided to head out for sushi….what a nice break that was!! Yum…


Visiting Dee Dee and Pa Pa

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Dee Dee and Pa Pa were supposed to come out to CA this month, but since my dad got some bad news about his cancer progression (please keep him in your prayers), we decided to go visit him last week. It was a really nice visit! Bella was so good the entire trip – and she even said “Pa Pa” a few times. Since I know dad is going to go through a very tough next few months, it really meant alot to us to get out there and have a nice visit while he was feeling good still. Bella is finally at the age where she will goof around with them – and she really took to Pa Pa, I got some cute pics of them goofing off together during dinner one night…

